Wordless Wednesday 28: The East Side Gallery

Continuing with lazily sharing photos from our travels earlier this summer, I bring you some art.

The East Side Gallery is a memorial on a long (1.3km) section of the old Berlin Wall and is the world’s largest open air gallery. Originally painted in 1990 (the same year most of the wall was demolished after people became allowed to cross the boundary in November 1989), the paintings were heavily damaged by vandalism and restored/partially repainted by the original artists in 2009. The vandalism continues, but the gallery is still incredible to see.

But that’s a lot of words for Wednesday. Let’s get on with the photos.

I bring you the dogs of the East Side Gallery.





For the cat people

For the cat people (not part of the official Gallery, but found on the back side of the wall with lots of boring graffiti)

Obviously outside the theme, but c'mon. Incredible. (And a small part of something much larger.)

Obviously outside the theme, but c’mon. Incredible. (And a small part of something much larger.)

Much, much larger

Much, much larger

A real dog playing fetch by the Berlin Wall Memorial on Bernauer Straße

A real dog playing fetch by the Berlin Wall Memorial on Bernauer Straße

If you’re ever debating going to Berlin, just stop. GO.

To see the rest of Wordless Wednesday, click here.



Wordless Wednesday 27: Dogs in Venice

In our recent travels, one of the cities the Husband and I visited was Venice.


For a touristy city with little to no green spaces, I was surprised at the number of dogs – all seemingly with owners.


For a warm, humid place, was a little surprised to see a Bernese Mountain Dog

For a warm, humid place, was a little surprised to see a Bernese Mountain Dog

IMG_8139 - Version 2



Playing fetch

Playing fetch


Westie going for a canal ride

Westie going for a canal ride

St Mark's Square

St Mark’s Square

Playing ball in the old Jewish Ghetto

Playing ball in the old Jewish Ghetto


To see the rest of Wordless Wednesday, click here.



Wordless Wednesday 26: Dog Park Date

This week’s Wordless Wednesday photos come from the recent long weekend when Moses met up with his buddy Douglas, a yellow lab, at River Park, one of Calgary’s bigger and nicer (and busier) dog parks, for some off-leash fun.

Moses & Douglas making new friends

Moses & Douglas making new friends

Racing for the ball

Racing to snag Douglas’ ball

Got it!

Got it!

Moses meets a bigger dog

Moses meets a bigger dog

Ball order is restored

Ball order is restored

Douglas celebrates

Douglas celebrates

Mo & Doug

Mo & Doug

To see the rest of Wordless Wednesday, click here.


The blooper reel:


Wordless Wednesday 25: The First of 2014

Happy 2014!

To end 2013 and ring in the New Year, we did something very unusual – we went to the off-leash park two days in a row!

So, without further verbiage, here are photos of Moses, Crosby, and friends at River Park.

Moses, Crosby, and friend Douglas, the yellow lab (and his ball)

The last day of 2013: Moses, Crosby, and friend Douglas, the yellow lab (and his ball)

The first day of 2014

The first day of 2014

Moses & Crosby

Moses & Crosby



Douglas, Crosby and Moses making a new friend

Douglas, Crosby and Moses making a new friend

To see the rest of Wordless Wednesday, click here.

Wordless Wednesday 24: Welcome Winter

As if on cue, we flipped the calendars to November, and the snow promptly arrived.

No complaints from Moses

No complaints from Moses

Moses romped in the snow like a younger dog

Moses romped in the snow like a younger dog

The leaves have been gone for a while, so it's nice to have snow cover up all that's brown and dead

The leaves have been gone for a while, so it’s nice to have snow cover up all that’s brown and dead

Mo's excited face

Mo’s excited face

In the snow with a raw bone - a Newf's happy place

In the snow with a raw bone – a Newf’s happy place

The last lingering non-residents make haste for warmer climates

The last lingering non-residents make haste for warmer climates

To see the rest of Wordless Wednesday, click here.

Wordless Wednesday 23: Checkmate

As you may remember from our ultimate Canadian Pilgrimage this summer, Medicine Hat, Alberta is home of the world’s largest teepee.

Moses & Alma

Moses & Alma

But what you may not know: they also boast a giant chess set.


I kind of doubt it’s the world’s largest, but you never know.



To see the rest of Wordless Wednesday, click here.

Wordless Wednesday 22: Back to the Breakwater

Why yes, I sure am getting a lot of mileage out of the photos from our trip to the west cost.




Alma making friends.

Alma making friends.

Moses was pretty tired, so he sat out the trip to the breakwater in Victoria.

To see the rest of Wordless Wednesday, click here.

Wordless Wednesday 21: Field, BC

A little more local than as of late; these photos were taken in Field, BC (about 2 hours from Calgary).




I was just going to post one photo, but I couldn’t decide on a favourite. Which one would you have picked?

To see the rest of Wordless Wednesday, click here.

Wordless Wednesday 20: Goldstream Provincial Park, BC

This Sunday I shared some pictures from our recent road trip west to Vancouver Island, BC, and our afternoon hike in Goldstream Provincial Park.

And without (m)any further words, here are some more photos from our short hike in the park.

Gotta love those west coast forests.

Gotta love those west coast forests.

Alma and the water fall

Alma and the waterfall

Moses & Alma

Moses & Alma

Apparently they call this Niagara Falls. Don't get me wrong... it's nice... but...

Apparently they call this Niagara Falls. Don’t get me wrong… it’s nice… but…



So patriotic.

So patriotic.



Hiking Newfs

Hiking Newfs

Soggy Newfs

Soggy Newfs

To see the rest of Wordless Wednesday, click here.

Wordless Wednesday 19: Action Shots

Brief musings on action shots of our pets, which can be tough to get, but can also have some really great results.

For example, I stumbled upon a whole Tumblr dedicated to puppies running.  It hasn’t been updated in quite a while, but it still holds up.

Or working dogs, who can look so proud, regal and determined when in action.

This handsome guy or gal is from the National Police Dog Foundation (http://www.nationalpolicedogfoundation.org/)

This handsome guy or gal is from the National Police Dog Foundation (http://www.nationalpolicedogfoundation.org/)

And then there are Moses and Alma.





Moses again.

Moses again.

It’s really all flapping tongues and jowls with these two.  But at least they look like they’re having fun!

Alma & Moses

Alma & Moses

To see the rest of Wordless Wednesday, click here.