Monday Mischief 24: Chow Time!

This weekend, Moses got some company: Homer and Kimbo!

(Alma is off at work with the Husband and wasn’t home to hang out with our visitors.)

Homer, Moses, and Kimbo... I think I need to find a bigger bench

Homer, Moses, and Kimbo… I think I need to find a bigger bench

Moses and Homer go way back to training class when they were pups, and both chows have stayed with us before.

Furry trio

Furry trio

Walking these three sure does draw some attention. I think my favourite comment of the weekend was the lady who thought Moses was the “momma dog” and Homer and Kimbo were “her pups”. Probably the first time Moses has ever been mistaken for a female dog!

So photogenic!

So photogenic!

Homer kept an eye out for mischief in the rain

Homer kept an eye out for mischief, but not much was going on in the rain

And they didn't always cooperate with my photo ops. It's easy to get them to sit. To look in the same direction, however...

And they didn’t always cooperate with my photo ops. It’s easy to get them all to sit. To look in the same direction, however…

Sometimes it's just easier to stick to one-on-one

Sometimes it’s just easier to stick to one-on-one

I think Moses was happy I had other faces to stick the camera in for a couple days, but he wasn’t completely off the hook.

Posing for photos as storm clouds roll in

Posing for photos as storm clouds roll in

This post is part of the Mischief Monday blog hop – to see what everyone else has been up to, visit Snoopy’s Dog Blog here, My Brown Newfies here, or Alfie’s Blog here.


About ThatJenK
Writing from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 90% pictures of my dogs; 10% miscellaneous opinions nobody asked for.

35 Responses to Monday Mischief 24: Chow Time!

  1. Holy Moly! That is dog plus! You must feel like Superwoman walking those gorgeous dogs! I am proud just seeing the pictures. Jeez, they are all three so incredible looking!

  2. Cascadian Nomads says:

    I have had people ask if Wilhelm is Huxley and Brychwyn’s puppy. Hilarious! Homer and Kimbo are some lovely Chow’s… the one’s here are never that healthy and lovely (or friendly.) Too much inbreeding! 😦

  3. Bailey says:

    Maybe its because my dogs are rescues and its rare you end up with family, but I never assume relationships or gender when I meet strange dogs. (Well in some cases gender is more obvious than others, but when in doubt I don’t assume. 🙂 However, people constantly get the gender wrong on my dogs and then tell me one of them is a collie. So go figure.

  4. OMD! How did you fit 3 BIG dogs in your car for the ride to the park? BOL

    They are all handsome though! It’s funny that one lady mistook them for “mama” and her pups! Chows don’t look anything like Newfies, except maybe the color of

  5. Great photos. Always nice to hang out with fur byddys

  6. Wow, what a ton of canines you had to photograph…literally! What beautiful dogs though. We don’t see too many chows around here.

  7. jan says:

    That last picture is a classic. How did you get the sky to cooperate so beautifully with your shot?

  8. Mary says:

    What a fluffy crew that is!

  9. That is so fun! They look great together and have to admit if I saw the 3 of them together and didn’t know Newfs I might of thought the same thing!

  10. Absolutely gorgeous photos!!!!! I can never get all three of my sibes to sit still for a photo shoot!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  11. tarynft says:

    Usually a Chow looks like a big dog…..LOL!

  12. Will and Eko says:

    Too funny – I suspect a few people might have thought a black bear and her cubs were on the loose. How you managed to coax all three on to the same bench is beyond me. An impressive logistical feat.

  13. FleaByte says:

    Omigoodness! What gorgeous faces! I love that last shot, especially.

  14. It's Dog or Nothing says:

    That looks like such a fun weekend! When we got Atka at 8 weeks, everyone asked if Mauja was the momma dog. Nope, just the same breed! Your newfie is gorgeous 🙂

  15. Jessica says:

    So much hair!

    I’m also going to guess it’s the first time a full-grown chow got mistaken for a puppy. They aren’t exactly tiny.

  16. Haha. Do you want to trade for a dog who thinks he should always be in photos?

  17. Wow – that’s a lotta pup! I bet nobody messes with you when you walk those three. Great photos – such fabulous faces!

  18. Sue says:

    Great photos! Really laughed about Moses being the mama dog and the chows the puppies!

  19. Love that last photo. It almost looks like a sculpture!

    And I’m greatly amused at Moses as mama dog. It looks like a good time was had by all!

    –Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  20. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    Wowzer, not every day you’d see those 3 furry cuties walking towards you, not surprised you got some comments and sorry Moses they do look like your babies, but you could be daddy dog?! 🙂

    I hope you’re having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  21. Jodi says:

    I struggle with two, I have no idea how you do it!!

  22. tmistick says:

    Just look at all those gorgeous doggies!! Great post!

  23. Kurome says:

    Wow!! you all are soooo hairy!! I bet it’s warm to be near you 😉

  24. Clowie says:

    I think Moses could fill the bench on his own. They do look great together! I hope Moses wasn’t offended at being called the mum!

  25. Bravo on getting such good shots of the dark faces. And couldn’t Moses be the Daddy dog walking his pups? Dad discrimination, I tell you!

  26. 2browndawgs says:

    Wonderful pictures. Bwahaha on mama and her babies.

  27. I don’t know why but they are just so cute!… despite their size 😉 and even when they are looking in different directions. Does Moses look after them like a big brother or… *gasp* a mom?? 😛

  28. BOL – I hope they’re not all going to try and sleep in your bed! *waggy tail*

  29. Came from Clowie’s post. Love love love this one! ❤ biped Paulette of 3 rescues

  30. Dogs N Pawz says:

    OMG…they are beautiful!

  31. Donna O. says:

    I think it’s cute that the woman thought they were his pups. I can totally see the resemblance. What a nice looking trio of dogs. 🙂

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